Sepax Bio-C18
- 良好的end-capped 處理
- 優秀的實驗再現性
- 高選擇性和高效分離能力
- 適用於100%水相流動相
- 適合分離peptide、protein等生物相關藥物


Pore size 200 Å

Silica Sperical, high purity (<10 ppm metals)
Pore size
200 Å
Particle size 3、5 and 10 µm
Pore volume 1.0 ml/g
Surface area 200 m²/g
Phase structure Monomeric and fully endcapped
% Carbon 10%

Pore size 300 Å
Silica Sperical, high purity (<10 ppm metals)
Pore size
300 Å
Particle size 3、5 and 10 µm
Pore volume 0.95 ml/g
Surface area 105 m²/g
Phase structure Monomeric and fully endcapped
% Carbon 7%


